little shelbs, not so little anymore
it hurts my heart just a tiny bit to take pictures then look at them and see just how big my baby is getting. but, on the flip side of that i can safely say that we are now a diaper free home (can i get an amen?). i finally put in the few days of running to the potty, just barely making it and sometimes not making it in time but i can say with confidence that shelby is potty trained (again, amen). of all 3 she was by far the easiest. i can't really remember the boys getting it as quickly as she did. it was like a switch went off after 2 days and she realized that life is way better without a diaper. it's so cute seeing her little booty in big girl underwear. and i love to hear her yell from wherever she is, mama! i have to pee pee! the only problem with her is she refuses (adamantly) to use the big potty. she will only use her princess potty on the floor next to the regular toilet. not sure how i'm going to break her of that seeing that we cannot bring our princess potty everywhere we go. for now, i'm choosing my battles and it's not one i'm going to pick at just yet.
way to go shelbs! you are a big girl now!
always holding a princess.
and trying to run away from me.
be still my heart.