happy heart day, #6

six years went by so fast.  funny, because the first 3, almost 4, months went by like we were stuck in quick sand.  brooks wasn't the easiest at first.  who can blame him?  he was in constant cardiac arrest.  who knew?  i can't really say what made me decide to take him in the the ER that monday morning.  maybe it was the fact that he hadn't eaten or slept in a good 72 hours.  maybe it was the fact that andrew or i couldn't take the constant screaming anymore.  i felt silly taking him in, thinking they were just going to tell me i had a colicky baby on my hands.  i remember talking to a friend on the phone on the way saying i was probably just going to be giving an acid reflux medicine and sent on my way but i had to do something.  i thank God everyday i did.  there are a few moments in my life that i will always remember and seeing the look on the x-ray tech's face is one of them.  in an instant i went from a overtired mom with a baby who wouldn't stop crying to a very serious heart baby's mom.  i remember every little movement made and also feel like i don't remember anything at all.  i remember lots of people rushing in and taking brooks from me, but i don't remember what they were telling me.  i remember telling a friend who called to see if he was ok, no.  he's not ok at all.  i remember an on call cardiologist talking to me but i have no idea what he said.  and then i remember taking an ambulance ride and realizing this was serious.  i never want to ride that fast in an ambulance again.

the best part is that brooks remembers none of it.  we all may remember how scared we were but brooks just knows that he's pretty amazing.  happy sixth heart day, bubba!

i don't think this will ever not bring tears to my eyes.  thank you egleston CICU nurses and dr. kirschbom for saving him.  we were so lucky to live nearby such an amazing hospital.  

and now check this little devil out.  i am so not ready for this kid to look so grown up.  not ready.  at all.  

thank goodness he's still a little goofy



but when he wants to be, he sure is sweet.

and cute.  he is a doll.


and this is his, i know i'm cute and you can't say no, look.

as much as he may drive us all nuts with his incredible stubborn streak (i thank his daddy for that one), he is one stinking cute miracle who has a heart of gold that works like a champ now.
