sick bubba and sick baby

poor brooks and shelby are sick.  it only took two weeks of school for the germs to hit our house.  brooks tends to catch any and every germ that is out there.  i'm not sure if it's because of his heart problems or his lung that collapsed but we're constantly giving him breathing treatments.  so, brooks is home on his first "sick day" from kindergarten.  unfortunately, shelby has also caught some of the icky germs around this house.  she is also coughing and has a lovely runny nose.  so much fun for a baby.  she sounds just pitiful when she starts coughing.  poor baby girl.  but, no matter how sick she is she's still super cute.  so now i'm just killing time till their 3 joint doctor's appointment.  and so starts our frequent trips to the doctor with brooks.  let's hope shelby does not follow in his footsteps!

***warning*** gross snotty picture below!
poor shelbs!

playing on the stairs

we made a sick tent to try and keep someone busy.  it lasted all of 10 minutes.  brooks is not the easiest to be around when he's sick.  he becomes even more needy.  yay.

we decided to let shclby in since she's sick too.  but not for long because she messes things up (so says her big brother who never messed any thing up in his entire life).

fingers crossed that carson does not get this mess!  that's all i need is to have all 3 of them sick.  


Unknown said…
Awww! Poor baby! My heart broke, seeing her snotty picture, though she still looks adorable. Babies do not have a very strong immune system, so it's easy for them to catch viruses such as colds. Just make sure that she gets the right amount of nutrition she needs in the form of healthy food and vitamins, so that she'll be shielded from bacteria. Thanks for sharing that, Lauren! All the best to your family!

Candace Hudson @ MedCare Pediatric