stomach flipping moment

you know the kind i'm talking about.  it's that moment of excitement and fear and pure joy all wrapped into one.  i really did fine with carson's graduation from preschool.  didn't shed a tear until i heard them announce his name and saw him jump of the the risers to get his "diploma."  at that moment my stomach flipped.  how is it possible that he is leaving the safe world of preschool and entering "real" school?  time flies.  this is a little video i did just for his graduation day.


Ok, maybe I'm a little overly emotional, but I just cried over this! So proud of you Carson. You're a miracle buddy and you've come so, so far!
Kelley said…
I'm not a blog stalker but a friend of a friend of a friend- anyway, my son just graduated preschool and will be starting real school in August- and I know what you mean- you're excited and proud, but also a teensy wistful of your baby....sigh.