easter egg hunt pictures

i'm so far behind on some of my pictures and i have been so busy that i haven't had time to sit down and go through them all.  i finally got to look at the pictures from the annual powell family easter egg hunt.  the boys love going every year, which makes it even sadder that this was the last one.  the powell family has decided that this year was the last year for the egg hunt.  sad!  this was carson's 5th powell egg hunt and brooks's 4th, i still get reminded by some old neighborhood friends that brooks was just 5 days old when he made his first appearance at the egg hunt.  how has time gone by so fast?  they did go out with a bang this year with 8000 eggs, the most that we have ever seen.  we got there just in time for the easter bunny to be escorted up on the fire truck and for the hunt to begin.

here comes peter cottontail!

brooks not believing it's the real easter bunny.  side note--the "Os" are in progress of being phased out.  once he turned 3 we told him he is not allowed out of the house with them.  surprisingly, it's not been that bad.  potty training is a different story...anyway, here's the pic...
brooks easter

time for the hunt!
hunting eggs3

even carson was in to it this year
hunting eggs2

brooks and andrew collecting eggs.
hunting eggs1

look at all those eggs!

carson's favorite...jumpy houses!  it was not easy getting them out of this.

hence, the family picture.  it's a beauty.  i literally had to grab brooks out of the jumpy house and drag him away to take the family shot, kicking and screaming.  yes, i was that mom.  poor carson was so sick from his allergies and brooks was coming off a huge sugar rush and was really mad at me for making him get out of the jumpy house.  good times.  

thank you powell family for such amazing memories every easter!
