it's already february!

i was just looking at the photo collage and thinking about all the great things that went on in 2011. how can it already be the second month in 2012? i have the hardest time writing the date now, it just doesn't seem right. we now almost have a 3 and a 5 year old. what?!?! how in the world are these two babies almost 3 and 5 when i haven't aged a day? weird.

2011 was filled with so many wonderful things. just look at all the smiling faces below. i know 2012 will bring just as many wonderful memories, too but doesn't it seem like it's going too fast? i mean, we just applied for carson to attend kindergarten in the fall. it makes my heart skip a beat just to say that. i don't even feel like he is ready to go but we don't have a choice. because carson needs some extra services in school and he'll be old enough (technically) for kindergarten next year he has to go, otherwise he won't get any of his services if we keep him in preschool an extra year. so, in trying to find the best place possible for him andrew and i decided to apply to go to buford city schools which are not too far from us but not a part of the county public school system we live in. i'm hoping and praying that a} it's a good fit for him because it is a much smaller system and we think he would get lost in the system we live in, it is beyond huge and carson doesn't really fit into one specific group. he could use a little more attention than i think our public school could give him but he also needs to be with regular ed kids, he thrives around them and has done amazingly well in a regular ed preschool with extra services. and b}they accept us. because it is a tuition position we have to go for an interview which makes me so nervous. we just want him to go to the best place possible and from what we can tell, this school system is it. keep your fingers crossed and prayers said for us. i'll let you all know as soon as we hear something.

we also have been battling some nasty respiratory virus for the past few days. poor b ended up with bronchitis on thursday and was having a very hard time breathing. and since we have some experience with respiratory distress i knew right away that was what was going on. he was really struggling to get air in his lungs so off to the doctor we went and ended up having to do some breathing treatments. he wasn't too sure about the "bubble" machine as he called it, but ended up taking it like a champ...


here is a video from a treatment at home. this is how brooks does everything he doesn't want to do...he'll ask the whole time if he is done yet. "am i done? am i done? am i done?" until i finally give in and tell him yes! persistent little fella.

and then, as if i didn't know it would happen, carson ended up with the respiratory bug as well, but worse. why is it that once one gets it the second one gets it worse. poor carson cannot stop coughing all day long and just looks pitiful. and woudn't you know it, just the other day someone asked me how the boys were and i said, "great, we have hardly been sick at all!" i totally jinxed us.


napping with his buddy, bo. how sweet is this? bo drives me nuts 99.9% of the day but then she'll do something like this that saves her...



I love the video of Brooks. What a cutie. Hate to hear that your little guys have been sick... hope they're back to 100% soon. Also will be praying about Carson's school situation. I'm sure it's a hard position to be in- trying to find the best fit possible for him. I think it's so GREAT that he has done so well with his peers. Go Carson! You're amazing!