happy birthday carson!

four years ago today andrew and i were thrown in to parenthood earlier than we ever thought. i had just celebrated easter in my hospital bed, happy to be sitting there with no activity going on. my two boys were safe and sound. the next day would change our lives forever. carson and cooper hess were born 14 weeks early. at just 1 lb 15 oz and 2 lbs they were tinier than you could ever imagine.

as all parents can tell you, you never know the hand that you will be dealt with kids. being a parent is not easy. we found that out right away, four years ago. some parents aren't challenged till later on, andrew and i are hoping that our test has already been given (yeah, right!) with carson. he has proven himself a fighter over and over again and we could not be more proud to be his parents. we love you, carson ridley hess!

