we're still here

well, after one full week of school carson ended up sick, which then was passed off to brooks, then andrew and then to top it all of i had food poisoning two nights ago. so, needless to say things have been pretty crazy around here. when i picked up carson from school last thursday i could tell he did not feel well. his whole body was on fire and his nose would not stop running. the next morning around 5 am he woke up telling me he had to go pee pee. but when i got to him he wall already wet and running about a 102 degree fever. so we've already had our first sick day. then, like i didn't know it was coming, brooks got sick. both the boys have been hacking away since this weekend. poor carson was so stuffed up he could barely talk. he would ask to watch a "mobie" instead of "movie!" he at least was fever free by tuesday to go back to school, but then tuesday night i ended up spending my time on the bathroom floor praying for death because i couldn't throw up anymore (sorry if that was too graphic). i spent the entire day in my bed while my dad, mother in law and mom all took turns taking care of the boys till andrew got home. thank goodness we have family that lives near by, i'm not sure how we would make it without them!

with all that has been going on i have had no time to update or take pictures. i've been dying to tell all of you how school has been going. after a few days of tears throughout the day, especially during transition times, he has begun to like school. with the exception of a sad face when they get him out of the car he has all but quite crying and gets a great report every day. they send home all his artwork, which apparently is his favorite thing to do, every day and it is so cute to see the things he is making. his favorite part by far is the playground. he loves the slide and his teachers say he makes a bee line for it everyday. he's doing so much independent walking too. his goal by the end of the year is to walk independently 20 feet and he's already done 10-12 that they have seen. he's also doing a great job with his walker, which is so funny because he refused to us it with me here at the house but i guess when he has to keep up and get where he's going he'll use it. the only trouble is he can't really steer it very well so he runs into things, but he'll figure it out :) all in all it has been a great experience, especially since i dreaded it so much and was so worried about him fitting in. i should have known better. carson makes himself known wherever he goes. i'm so proud of that little guy! i'll post some pictures soon, i didn't think you all wanted to see snotty noses and sick looking little guys, and that's all we've had around here for the last week and a half.


Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
Welcome to school days!!! :) I am so proud of Carson and you too! I knew he would do great.
The Cains said…
Been thinking about y'all! Hope everyone is feeling better soon!