let him eat cake!

for brooks's one year anniversary of his surgery i got him his very own cake. i'm sure when i explained to the baker that i wanted a heart with a band aide on it they were wondering what in the world i was talking about but it turned out really cute and best of all, delicious!

i forgot to mention that brooks had his 15 month check up the other week. he's right on track for a normal 15 month old in every area but weight. he lost a few ounces and is now at 19 lbs 11 oz. that made him fall below the charts so he now gets to eat what ever he wants, hence the cake above :) it's probably just that the kid doesn't stop moving from the time he opens his eyes till the time he goes to bed. so now both the boys are on the high fat, eat anything you want as long as it puts weight on you diet.

some things he is doing now:
*running everywhere without falling too much anymore
*trying to feed himself with a spoon and fork. he's not very successful but he's trying!
*wanting to do whatever his brother is doing
*messing up anything his brother is trying to do :)
*the first thing he says when he gets up, bo.
*he loves to give bo her bone when she has one then he sits and watches her chew it
*loves being outside, no matter how schorching hot it is
*pointing and yelling at me till i give him what he wants, no fun for me!
*he says a few things, bo is his word for many things. just about anything that walks. he loves to say NOOOOOOOOOOO when he is done with something. juice, but it comes out more like uice. it's cute though. ball, he loves to play with anything that resembles a ball. these are his favorite words, but he jabbers like he's from a different planet and expects us to know what he is trying to say. it's pretty funny
*flipping light switches and opening doors are among his favorite things to do
*he's still on two naps a day most of the time but i think he is getting ready to loose the morning one, which is OK because carson will be starting preschool soon (yikes!) and brooks will have to ride along with me when i take him.
*we think he may be left handed. andrew is pretty pumped because he says that lefty baseball pitchers are a good thing. i'm not sure i'm willing to let either one of the boys play a sport that involves any kind of contact, but we'll see.
*all in all, being a pretty cool kid. i can't complain, i have two of the sweetest boys in the world!

on a side note, when i was in the bakery, one that we have used forever, i saw a sign with a canister collecting money. as i read it, it explained that one their employees who is 17 was just diagnosed with leukemia and is currently at Egleston. that is the hospital that brooks was at with his heart surgery. as i would sit downstairs in the cafeteria or just walk around to get some air when brooks was in CICU i would always see those kids with cancer walking around with their chemo drips and bald little heads my heart would ache for them and their families. we were there for something very serious, but there was a light at the end of our tunnel. these poor kids were fighting a battle that no kid should ever have to and as a parent who has been through a lot, i don't ever want to imagine what it would be like to watch one of my babies deal with something so serious. so of course i left money for this girl and asked how she was doing. right now she's in icu because the chemo is pretty aggressive. there was a picture of her and she looked upbeat and happy and they said she was in pretty good spirits (and she had an auburn shirt on, i knew she looked smart). i just ask that you say a prayer for her, i believe her name is kayla, and her family. thanks.


The Solomons said…
what a precious cake, so happy ya'll are celebrating! go brooks!