Growing Like a Weed

Carson's hair is about the only thing on him that is growing out of control. He just had a haircut in August and it was already time for another one. He did really good sitting in the firetruck chair. He did look at the lady like she was on fire the whole time and he did not smile once but there were no tears this time. Here are some before and after shots...

We go no where without a tool...all hail Rusty! sweet! What happened to my baby? He is such a little boy now!

Playing with the "pider" ring he got.
With my big guy post haircut for him, pre for me...
Post haircuts for Carson and mom! Oh how I love that smile he can flash!
Carson also had his yearly CT scan and appointment with his neurosurgeon, Dr. Reisner yesterday. We have been trying to schedule this appointment since April but with Brooks being born a little early and then all his problems it just didn't get scheduled till now. The good part is we know his shunt in working properly, he wouldn't be acting normal if it wasn't. But, we still have to go once a year till he is 5 for the scan. Last year he was still little enough that before he knew what was going on it was over and he was back in my arms. Well, it was a different story this year. The second we walked behind the radiology door he was looking at us like, "I don't think so." We walked in the room with the CT machine and the nurse, who was very nice, didn't even give me a chance to explain to him what he was doing. She had his arms and legs strapped down before I knew it. The look on his little face would have broken your hearts! And then to top it off I had to hold his head still! Ugh! It was so sad to see his little eyes pleading with me while he is screaming to let him up. It felt like it took forever but really it was over pretty quickly. As soon as he was up and in my arms he was just fine. Little faker. After that we met with the doctor who was very pleased with Carson. Who wouldn't be! Funny story though, when the PA walked in she said she had heard about Carson's little brother through the grapevine at Children's. And then the doctor came in and said the same thing. I asked Andrew if it is a good thing our name is known in the Children's Healthcare circle?! Probably not, but at least we have all those wonderfully skilled and talented minds thinking of us!

So we are cleared of CT scans for another year. Hopefully the next time I can explain to Carson what is happening and it won't be as traumatic, for me at least!

Another funny story from yesterday...we took Carson to Fudruckers for lunch after his appointment. Not that he would eat anything but a few fries and pickles, but we thought it would be fun. They had one of those crane machines where you try to pick up a toy. Andrew took Carson over to look at it and low and behold there was a Tigger in it. He immediately saw him and started pointing to it saying, "Tigger, please...OK, Tigger, please...OK" This is his way of asking for something now, he says please but follows with OK. Anyway, Andrew and I tried and tried and spent $5 in quarters to get this stupid thing out. It was impossible! Now I am usually the sucker when it comes to giving him what he wants and Andrew is the "stronger" parent. Not this time! I though Andrew was going to climb in the dumb machine and drag Tigger out for Carson. Now maybe he understands why we ALWAYS come home with a new toy, who can resist that sweet little voice?? The good thing is as soon as we pulled ourselves away I gave him a cookie and all was forgotten about Tigger! Oh the mind of a 2 year old!


Stephen said…
Great to hear he's doing so great. I know what you mean about holding him down. Had to hold JT down for an IV and for blood to be taken when he got sick several months ago. I cried as much as he did. They couldn't find a vein and had to try 3 times. It makes me sick just thinking about it.

Keep up the good fight, ya'll are phenomenal.