We've Moved Down

They moved Brooks to the Cardiac Step Down Unit! This is such a wonderful step in the right direction for him. All of his major lines are out he is even off the cannula. His surgeon came by to check on him and he seemed pleased with his progress. I asked when they would do another echo and he thought maybe in a few days...I also asked (with hesitation) if he realistically thought there would be much improvement in his heart function yet. He told me probably not just yet but that they (the resident doctors) thought they could hear less of something, I'm guessing the more they heard it the worse, which was good but he would like some more concrete proof. So I have decided per my cousin Kelley to just visualize his heart getting stronger and stronger every day!

Here is the address to Brooks' room:
Brooks Hess
Rm 2149
1405 Clifton Rd. NE
Atlanta, GA 30322

Continue to pray for a strong heart!
