Sweet Little Voice

Here you go Uncle Jeff, some videos just for you!

Carson's favorite thing in the whole world is anything having to do with Mickey Mouse. He has all the DVD's memorized and knows when his favorite parts are. I think it's funny because he even recognizes Pete and Clarabelle!

Every time Carson sees this picture he yells out my name. I am no longer Mommy or Mama...just Mom.


The Solomons said…
These are great. I love when he stops and just looks into the camera....very sweet.
Take that child to Disney World!
skillethead said…
Thank you Carson and Mom!

These are so great. I smile all the time I'm watching them.

Uncle Jeff
Kenzie said…
What a sweet boy! Your mom has visited my blog and told me a bit of your story... I'm guessing that your heart is so full for sweet Carson and Brooks and yet aches for your little Cooper. I know I feel that way about my Deacon and Faith Clare, and yet still think about Maddox. Your boys are beautiful and I pray that God will bless you tremendously! I hope those probiotics are working too... it took us a few weeks but now Faith Clare is a TOTALLY DIFFERENT baby.
