Morning Routine

Here is a video from this morning. We have gotten ourselves in to quite a little routine. Carson likes to sit in his comfy chair, watch Mickey Mouse, and eat his breakfast. This morning the cuisine of choice was a blueberry poptart. Probably not the most nutritious selection but if he will eat it I will give it to him! He also shows off his skill of waving. Though it is a bit slow (it was just after he had woken up and his favorite show was on) you can see he likes to wave with his whole arm. Very enthusiastic, just like his daddy! We are waving to my parents who are on a Mediterranean cruise. Life is rough :) but we know they are having a much deserved wonderful time. I told them I would post a video for them so here you go...


Unknown said…
Really cute! Is he kicking Bo the whole time?
(Jeff -- posting from work site)
Stephen said…
He looks great. I have never met ya'll but I check in all the time to see what the little man has done lately. Its inspiring, he's doing fantastic.