Yesterday as I was out running errands I thought I would run in to the mall. I didn't really need to go but I went anyway. I walked around for a bit and didn't find much of anything. On my way out I walked by the Baby Gap. I wasn't going to go in but then at the last second I decided to just see what they had. As I was browsing I saw a family: a mom, dad, grandparents, and twins in a double stroller. The babies looked fairly new and the little boy had on a cannula. I immediately knew they were preemies. I typically don't just start talking to strangers ( a trait I thought I had not inherited like my mom and Aunt Barbara!) but I thought I had to find out their story. So, I asked the mom if they were preemies. Now, I know this question well. People ask me all the time if Carson was a preemie telling me their kids were preemies too. Then when I tell them how early they realize that their 4 week early baby who never went to the NICU and came home the same time the mom did doesn't compare. I'm not saying that being early by any amount of time is not scary but us micro preemies are in a different league.
Anyway, when I told the mom that I too had preemies I recognized the look. "I'm sure you did." BUT, when I mentioned that my boys were 26 weekers I recognized the next look. "You know exactly how we are feeling."

Long, story short, I was in the Gap for almost 30 minutes talking to the whole family. The little boy has had it much worse than the little girl. They were born at 25 weeks, just under 2 pounds. At one point the doctors called them to say the little boy was brain dead. I think they both may of had bleeds but his was worse. He has gone through 5 surgeries and 4 months in the hospital. He too has a shunt and goes to the same Neurology group. I was so proud to be answering all of their questions and telling them our story. I showed them a picture of Carson as proof that babies with bleeds can beat the odds. I know that I would have given anything to meet someone who had a success story and I could see in their eyes the relief that their little boy could be just as normal as his sister and Carson. I know that fear of not knowing what the problems will be. When I left both the mom and grandma gave me a hug. I ended up giving them my name and number and I really hope she gives me a call. When we were in the hospital the social worker gave me the number of a lady who had twin boys in the NICU but then went home after a few weeks. I didn't really think I could relate to her. That's when I found Melinda :) who knew exactly the fear we were going through. She was able to talk us through everything because she had been there, not just as a nurse but as a parent. Thanks Melinda for getting us through, we love you!

So, I really hope the mom who I met realizes she could use someone who has been there and back to talk to. I walked out of the Gap feeling so good. I was someone elses miracle. Carson is proof that things can be OK. Why else would I have decided to go in to the Gap when I wasn't going to in the first place? So with that I will leave you all with a picture of our miracle...
who likes to eat the newspaper! If you look close you'll see the ink all over his face!


Rachel said…
Good for you! I also love the pictures of Carson eating newspaper. He's just like his cousin Dash who helped himself to a big mouthful just last night!
Rachel said…
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