What a Difference a Year Makes

April 11, 2007
April 11, 2008

Where does the time go? We had a very busy day today. Carson brought a cookie cake to his friends at the Gwinnett NICU and showed them how big he has gotten. They were very impressed! Then off to Grandma and Grandpa Hess's house for a visit and some lunch. He played so much he was asleep in the car before we left the driveway to come home! Then dinner with Grandma and Grandpa Smith. We released some balloons for both Carson and Cooper and then dove into our presents and our cake. What a day! Here are some pictures from this evening...thank you to everyone for all the phone calls and e-mails. Today was not easy but boy does this little guy and his smile make things better.

Opening our cool blow up car from Aunt Megan.

Our balloons

Old blue eyes

The cake Aunt Meg made for Carson


Happy Birthday Buddy!


Rachel said…
Fabulous pictures! Happy Birthday to Carson!

Love to you all!
Rachel, James and Dash
Unknown said…
Happy Birthday to such a cutie-pie!
Great pictures.
Love you,
Aunt Suzanne said…
So sorry we missed this birthday and christening. Sometimes in the midst of difficulties, it's hard to imagine getting to the next hour or day, much less year. Horray, a year has happened and Carson looks like he is enjoying his cake, which is what he is supposed to do.
Blessings for the year to come, that it will provide the same magic as the past one,
Aunt Suzanne & Uncle Lawrence
Delaney said…
Lauren, I am so proud of you! You make such a great mom even though I know this has been a trying year for you. But, now look at Carson!! He's adorable, and is doing so well now. He's lucky to have you and Andrew looking out for him. I miss you...let's get together soon like we've talked about before!

Happy Belated 1st Birthday, Carson!

Anonymous said…
Lauren~ I dont know if you remember me from the good ol days of Auburn~ (Jessica Jenkins, I lived with Allison and Summer at Northpoint)
I have been checking your blog for almost a year now~ I just wanted to tell Carson Happy Birthday!! AND say hello to you! What a little cutie! I am SO proud of him~ I have a friend who just had twins last week at 30 weeks~ I told her all about Carson and how fabulous he is doing!! Lots of Love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!