Back to an old frustration!

Carson has decided he does not want to eat! I feel like I am back in the hospital pleading with him to finish his bottle, but this time it is his sippy cup, baby food, bottle whatever he will decide he wants which is none of it! I feel like if I just throw baby food in his direction maybe some will make it to his mouth! Now the little bugger has learned to push things away. So after trying like 10 times to get him to take something and just when I am about to give up he'll eat but then it starts all over again. We will seriously be in a stare off for 30 minutes with me giving in and taking him out of the high chair. I have a feeling this is just a sign of what's to come in the next 18 years! Lord help me...


The Millers said…
Hi, I have a friend that is going through the same thing with her daughter. Born full term at 6lb 6oz, her daughter at 1 year weighed 16lb and at 18 mo is still only 19lb. Her daughter Emma is just going to be small. Contact me if you want her email to get some suggestions on what she does with her little "not on the charts" girl. I am Jaime
I totally understand this battle! My Bayley has never been a great eater and has now started VERY LOUDLY declaring she is finished. This battle is NO FUN to fight. I have started getting her out of the high chair giving her 15 minutes to cool down and then holding her and getting a few more spoon fulls in. Please post if you find anything that works with Carson. Im trying anything and everything these days! By the way he is STINKIN adorable! Im loving the newly decorated helmet! Just too cute!
The Cains said…
Hang in there--this stubborn side may be a very good thing later in life:) I know God will provide you with the strength you need! He is probably just giving Mommie a run for her money:)
Wrenda Crain said…
Why not break all the rules & feed him away from the table. Use cookie cutters to make creative shapes from cheese, turkey breast, press avocado into shapes of animal characters he (Or Andrew ??!!) likes, JuicePlus has gummy bears to chew that have 12 - 13 fresh fruits & vegetables to give him his nourishment. Tint fruit juices & milk crazy colors & drop a healthy treat in the cup so when he drinks the liquid,he can eat the treat. Make popsicles from white grape juice w/little pieces of banana or peach in them. Make Hide & Seek games for him to"Find"
his Lunch. If he looses interest, eat one yourself, act like its DELICIous & then put them away. Don't act anxious about food - it sends the wrong message. Food is always FUN. Good Luck & how precious & dear this blog is to me. Your enthusiasm, ability to make each "challenge" a Graphic Opportunity (like the helmet).show your creativity & deep & abiding love for Carson and Andrew.