Back to an old frustration!
Carson has decided he does not want to eat! I feel like I am back in the hospital pleading with him to finish his bottle, but this time it is his sippy cup, baby food, bottle whatever he will decide he wants which is none of it! I feel like if I just throw baby food in his direction maybe some will make it to his mouth! Now the little bugger has learned to push things away. So after trying like 10 times to get him to take something and just when I am about to give up he'll eat but then it starts all over again. We will seriously be in a stare off for 30 minutes with me giving in and taking him out of the high chair. I have a feeling this is just a sign of what's to come in the next 18 years! Lord help me...
his Lunch. If he looses interest, eat one yourself, act like its DELICIous & then put them away. Don't act anxious about food - it sends the wrong message. Food is always FUN. Good Luck & how precious & dear this blog is to me. Your enthusiasm, ability to make each "challenge" a Graphic Opportunity (like the helmet).show your creativity & deep & abiding love for Carson and Andrew.