Positive Thoughts for Another Preemie

One of our "preemie friends" in Birmingham could use some prayer and positive thoughts. She has been readmitted to the hospital for some breathing issues. They are not really sure what is wrong. Having been in the position of being the parent so frustrated, knowing that there is something wrong but the doctors can't pinpoint it, I know what they are going through. These tiny little fighters don't have many ways of telling us they don't feel well and that's when as a parent you rely on the doctors to find out the problem is and fix it! But sometimes it is a process of elimination which really sucks because that means multiple sticks, pokes and prodding. I could go on and on and all of this is bringing back horrible memories of our days in the hospital. I really, really hope that everyone out there who has a full term, healthy, happy baby is so grateful. It's so easy to forget how lucky some people are. I see Carson and I am eternally grateful for what I have, but I am also reminded daily of what I have lost. Sorry for the rant, but I just had this rush of emotion for our preemie family in need. Send them all your prayers and positive thoughts! Thanks...
