New Trick

Just for documentation purposes I wanted to let everyone know that Carson did his first roll all by himself! We have been working with the OT on rolling by himself but he usually needs a little push. This evening I left him on his back and ran in to the garage quick, when I came back he was on his stomach looking like, "Look what I did!" I'll try to get video footage next time. Now, I know some of you are thinking he should be rolling by now, he's 8 months old? But really we have to go by his adjusted age of 5 months so if you think about it, we're not too far behind! Way to go Carson. I'm thinking goodbye to days of leaving him on the floor to do something quick!


Mrs. Smith said…
You got that right, Lauren. It's time to start moving knickknacks up and out of his reach. Congratulations, Carson, on the rollover.