I Can See The Light

We have a departure date......Thursday! After spending the night at the NICU on Monday night and feeding Carson all his bottles to prove he can do it they decided he is finally ready to come home! He is now on what they call an ad lib (spelling?) feeding which means he can have as much or as little as he wants with the idea that he will even himself out at the end of the day. This just takes the pressure off that we were feeling trying to get him to finish every bottle. I gave him a bath tonight which he HATED and then weighed him. He's now 6 lbs 2 oz! So as long as all goes well between now and Thursday we will have our little guy home in 48 hours! I have to admit as I was saying good night to some of the nurses tonight I was a bit sad because I won't see them again. They really have become part of our family. I will be sad to leave them all but not sad enough to stop from running out of the doors and driving away! Keep your fingers (and toes) crossed that we have no hurdles in getting home. I'll let everyone know and will be sure to post some pictures of the homecoming! I can hardly wait!!


Unknown said…
Lauren and Andrew,

What GREAT, GREAT news! We will be thinking of you guys all day today and tomorrow (keeping our fingers and toes crossed) and waiting anxiously to check the blog and see pictures of his homecoming on Thursday ;)
It sounds like he is growing at such a steady pace, 6lbs 2oz. Way to go Carson!


KC and Renata
Mrs. Smith said…
Super news, Lauren and Andrew. That Carson is some fighter. Can't wait to see the pictures.
Aunt Jane and Uncle Tim
Penny Nash said…
Lauren and Andrew, What wonderful news!!I've read your blog almost every day. You two have been in my prayers since the beginning. I will continue to pray for you also. I'd love to see pictures of Carson when he comes home !!!!Love and best wishes, Julie's MOM , Penny Nash
Rachel said…
Happy, happy, joy, joy!! So glad to hear he's coming home!

(and the hating the bath thing will get better!)

Rachel, James and Dash (who now loves to splash in the tub)
Anonymous said…
Hey, it's already Thursday in New Zealand--tell them Carson can come home today!
GREAT news!!!!
skillethead said…
INDEPENDENCE DAY!!! What a cause to celebrate! Good on ya, Carson!