The First Few Days...

have been so much fun! Andrew and I have really enjoyed getting to know our little guy. Basically all he does is sleep. We went to the pediatrician last Monday and she said he looks great! I'm always nervous because of his bleeds but so far, so good. We also had an eye doctor appointment to check out his ROP status. That is an eye condition that preemies can have due to low birth weight and being on a ventilator. The appointment was traumatic for the both of us. I had to hold Carson down and the doctor clamped his eyelids open and poked around his eye. Not fun! We're still a stage 1 in both eyes and usually stage 1,2,and 3 can correct themselves. So now we are gearing up for another week of doctors visits. Eye doctor Tuesday, NICU clinic Wednesday morning, Neurosurgeon Wednesday afternoon. Busy, busy, busy....


Stephen said…
The doctor is no fun. Had Jon Tyler at the eye doctor last week. He hated it. Luckily you have great docotrs nearby and you can make sure your little one gets all the attention he needs. Great to hear that you are enjoying yourselves.
Anonymous said…
It's so good to hear how much you are enjoying your little guy! I know you'd gladly change places with Carson at the doctor visits...
Love, Lisa
Rachel said…
Those eye doc visits sound icky in the extreme! You are a brave Mama to be able to even watch--thank goodness Carson won't remember a bit of it (even if you will!)
Dash is right now watching Baby Bach on dvd. We got a set of the Baby Einstein dvd's from eBay for way cheap. He's watched them since he was only a few months old. They're very calming.
Sounds like you and Andrew are doing well. Love every minute!

Rachel, James and Dash
Adrienne said…
Glad you're having some fun now! (and how great that he sleeps!) Don't blame him for screaming at the eye doctor. Heck, Roger is 33 and practically blind without glasses but he won't even *consider* eye surgery because it creeps him out!!
Coach White said…
HI Lauren -
I am so happy to see your pictures. Please continue to send them. I was happy to see how "Bo" is posed and very sucure next to your baby. The best to your new family - please stay in touch, and our prayers will continue. Don't forget, that little baby Carson has a little angel over his shoulder at all times,in Cooper, and you will feel that also, as you hold him and look into Carsons eyes. It will comfort you and give you strength to get what ever obsticales you will come across.
Love, Aunt Nancy
skillethead said…
I still don't like going to the doctor.