Bound and Determined
Carson has eaten all of his bottles since 6 am this morning. So I am heading back to the hospital at 10 pm to see if he can keep it up. If he does then I am going back at 2 am and then 6 am. I'm hoping he will be able to get them all down for me and they will see that he can do it! Keep your fingers crossed...
Just had to tell you how much I enjoyed the new pictures. Carson is such a beautiful baby boy. Maybe you will get to bring him home on Independence Day - July 4th! It won't be much longer now. Hugs, love and prayers to all!
You are both the most dedicated and loving parents. Carson is so lucky to have both of you! We think of you everyday and pray Carson can come home soon!
Amy and Lori
Love, Lisa
When you and Andrew were married you were surrounded by people filled with love and joy and hope. Hope--for a long life together filled with love and many blessings. Hope--that the two of you would be able to withstand life's storms and grow together as a result. Hope-that the two of you would not have too many probles to manage, especially not too soon.
On your anniversary, (or slightly after) you are surrounded by a different type of community, much larger and composed of people you know and some you have never met. This new community is wise and witty and supportive and loving, and also hopeful at times. Hopeful that the two of you and your family will not have to live through such trying times and hopeful that soon Carson will be in his new room as you both dreamed for so long. Those of us who attended your wedding have seen that the HOPE we felt during the ceremony has manifested in an amazing strength- more than any of us could have anticipated. The two of you and your parents and siblings have experienced turmoil that many couples could not have managed, especially so early in a relationship.
In many ways the contributions coming to you from this large "village" will be some the most precious treasures you will ever recieve. I hope that you will print out every word and photo and put them in a very unique baby book that you will re-read every now and then, and show to Carson when he is old enough to appreciate.
Many of us have grown from your posts and the responses from people we have never met. I'm sure that it has given many the perspective to realize that much of what we consider frustrating or difficult is inconsequetial compared to what you and Andrew have recently experienced.
I know I speak for everyone reading this blog that we feel fortunate to share in your lives during these trying times. Thank you so much for being so honest and open regarding your feelings.
The African proverb that it takes a village to raise a child really is correct. Thanks for letting us be part of your virtual village.
with hope that Carson does come home this week and with much, much love,
Aunt Suzanne & Uncle Lawrence
Megann Cain
So what happened? Did he finish all his bottles? I have been thinking about Carson all day. I can't wait to see how he did and hear those words... we can take him home. Hope it comes soon, sounds like it could be any day now. Especially since he is getting much bigger! I'll keep praying for you.