Andrew's last scrub!!
Waving Goodbye to Gwinnett Medical!
Our Welcome Home sign from the Crawfords, Kearneys, and Goldens.
Bo meets Carson.
Carson in his car seat.
Carson's Crib
More to come soon. I promise to keep updating, I'm just not sure I can do it daily but I'll try!
Much love,
Have fun...Kathy Gordo
Love, Aunt Suzanne and Uncle Lawrence
He really is the cutest.
It was a wonderful day and we sent balloons up to Cooper filled with love.
OK..Now let the happiness begin.
I love how his crib is set up just so with little blankets and cute accessories. I bet that lasted all of 2 minutes!! I can only imagine how relieved *and* terrified you are to have him home... Congratulations!!
HAPPY DAY!!! These pictures are wonderful!!! Bo is so excited, I know the whole neighborhood was! What a beautiful baby and nursery!! Hoping this is a fabulous first week at home!!
Megann and David Cain
All the best,
doug & nancy bendinger
We hope your first week at home is going well! Our dog Dakota said to tell Bo he has a little while before Carson is chasing him and pulling his tail.
Kris, Chris, Brian, and Brett Petrelli
What fun for you all! I already miss seeing Noah that size. Drink in this sweet, sweet time...he already has shown you how fast he can grow! :)
Kimberly Brown
Congratulations! You have waited so long to have Carson home! WE are so happy for all of you. Thanks for always taking the time to keep your blog updated so we could follow the progress you were all making. It meant so much to know how things were going for you. Enjoy every minute, even the sleepless ones! They are all so special.
God Bless,
Karen Jackson
Much love,
Nancy FitzGerald