Chalk one up for the good days...

Well I am almost afraid to say that we had a good day today. I feel like every time we breathe a little easier something goes wrong. It's so hard not to feel good on days like this, but I also know what it feels like on the other side where you think that it's never going to get better. It's only been 13 days and I feel like it has been forever! With each passing day, good or bad, I feel like we are getting stronger. I keep reading all of the messages from all of you and realize that we have the most amazing support group. I know that I have said it before, but Andrew and I are so amazed by the people who are out there praying for our boys. We don't know how to thank everyone. We believe that they are staying strong through all of you! Sometimes we are so exhausted and drained and feel like we can't do this anymore and then I log on and see all of the people who have left messages of support and it's almost like getting a second wind (over and over). I will sit and reread all of the messages just to feel everyone else's strength and I honestly feel better. So anyway, THANK YOU!

Now for the "good day" news. They were able to take Cooper off of his oscillator and put him on a regular ventilator. We have already been told that he very well could go back on the oscillator without it meaning anything bad, but for now they were going to try and let him work a little harder on his breathing. The cardiologist did an echo on his heart and his PDA (hole in the heart) had closed for now. It could reopen, but for now it had closed on its own. I got to get in his incubator today and give him some physical therapy which he really enjoyed. Below is a picture of him. He is still a little swollen but it's getting better...

Carson was doing better today. He really had us all extremely worried yesterday. Yesterday feels like days ago! He was moving around more and breathing room air oxygen and breathing over his ventilator. He keeps grabbing on to his tubes in his mouth even though we go in and move his hand. The nurse was trying to look at his eyes since they are open now and when she shined the light in them he clamped them shut. She even tried to pry one open and he closed them even tighter.

We'll just go to bed tonight praying for another day like today!


Diane said…
Andrew and Lauren,
I think about you every day and find myself checking the wesite to find out how Carson and Cooper are doing several times a day. It is amazing how resilient babies are. I'm sure they will start having more good days than bad. Until then, my thoughts are with you.
They sure are precious!

aimee said…
Hi Lauren and Andrew, My name is Aimee Malcolm and your mom and I were in a Friends in Faith Bible study in the fall. I just wanted to let you know there are lots of prayers from us being lifted up for Carson, Cooper and you guys.
The pictures of your little miracles are amazing and take me back 7 years, as we have triplets, two boys and a girl. They were born a bit over 28 weeks. Not as early as Carson and Cooper but we did go through many of the things you are now experiencing. Just wanted you to know that we will keep praying for growth, strength and health. May you lean on God for your strength!!! They are sure cuties!
brindisi family said…
Dear Hess Family - you do not know me but my husand and i are friends with joel and allison solomon which is how we stumbled across your blog. i want you to know that you and your entire family are in my daily prayers and i even have my father, who is a pastor in birmingham, and his congregation praying for you all. prayer is such a powerful thing - i have seen it work first hand when nothing else could!! although i do not know you, i know that babies are much stronger than we as adults could ever be and i know they will get stronger everyday. they look absolutely precious!!
God Bless you all,
Jennifer Brindisi
Hi Andrew,Lauren,Carson,& Cooper:

We are constantly praying for you guys. Those little boys are God's miracles. We also have you on our prayer list @ Friendship Baptist Church in Buford - everyone keeps asking about the status of the little guys. Lauren - I know you know but there is nothing like being a MOM, it's so wonderful. Keep your faith and keep praying - GOD has already shown you what he can do. We will keep praying for you guys.

Chuck,Michelle & Leslie Hayes
Bridget said…
What great news! Thanks for keeing us updated :). I love the pictures...the boys are sooooo cute! :)
Julie and Reed said…
Hey guys. We just wanted to let you know that we love you guys and are praying for you all. This news is great! The pictures are wonderful. I think we both check the blog about three times a day :) The boys are beautiful and we are pulling for them.
skillethead said…
Hey Lauren and Andrew,

Great to see the update. You're in our thoughts all day long.

Uncle Jeff and Aunt Lisa
The Solomons said…
Lauren, I look forward to reading your blog every day. Sometimes it brings tears to my eyes, but more than anything it leaves me amazed. Amazed at these two little boys who are fighting so hard and amazed at their mother and father and how strong you two have been. You all are in my thoughts and prayers and we can't wait to see God's plan for these little boys! Hang in there and know we are all praying for you!
Anonymous said…
Dear Lauren and Andrew,

As Jeff said, you are in our thoughts all day long. We compare "have you read the blog recently?" updates and have told about a zillion people (a zillion is a very technical statistical term - haha)about Carson and Cooper. We love you so much! Your strength is an inspiration to all of us. What good parents you are! Give the boys our love, please!

Lots of love,
The Cains said…
Lauren and Andrew,
What wonderful news! I have added the boys and you both to our prayer list at St. Mary's on the Highlands in Birmingham. My Beth Moore bible study group is praying hard for you all! I admire your strength and the boys resolve to keep fighting!! You are all such troopers!! I pray that God give you rest and strength as you endure this journey! Peace, Megann Bates Cain
Lauren said…
Andrew & Lauren,
Just wanted to let you know that I am thinking about you, Carson & Cooper every day! Cameron is a very proud Aunt and sends me updates as often as she can! Ill be thinking about you all!

Lauren Ettinger
Bob Yanno said…
Lauren and Andrew,

Al, Susan, Hallie and I think of you often and are keeping all of you in our prayers. So glad to hear that there are good days, I am sure soon they all will be.

The Yannos