
Well, not too long after I posted about how well Carson was doing he decided that he wanted help breathing too. Just as I was walking back in the NICU they were intibating him. Not something a mother wants to see happening to her baby. We were told that he may go back to a regular ventilator but I guess I just thought Carson could keep it up. I forget that they shouldn't even be breathing on their own yet anyway, just practicing inside me. So he is now resting comfortably, not having to work so hard to breathe. We at least now get to see his tiny face. Before, the breathing mask covered up most of it. I'll try to get a picture of him today. He always has a serious look to him.

As of this morning Cooper was hanging in there. I guess the two of them talked and decided it was Carson's turn to scare mom and dad. I think this is a sign of things to come. Aunt Courtney and Uncle Brian came to see the boys last night. Brian said he could definitely see a lot of Andrew in Cooper! Just about the time the boys will come home Brian and Courtney are moving :( But now with the twins we hope they will come back to visit all the time.


Unknown said…
Dear Lauren and Andrew,
My loving, caring thoughts are with you at this difficult time. It's amazing how much love you can feel for the boys immediately upon their birth. It's only been a few weeks, but it probably feels like you have been parents for a long time. I'll be praying that the fun parts of parenthood will be yours soon. Meanwhile, I'll think good thoughts for you both, for the boys and for your parents. It's good to hear that Kelly is nearby. That kind of connection helps reassure you that the boys are getting the best possible care. Much love, Aunt Maddy