so carson is supposed to still be wearing his eye patch as much as possible during the day. i am going to be honest. we haven't been wearing the patch as much as possible. there, i said it. i am a terrible mom. but to be honest i don't think he truly needs it and it has been the furthest thing from my mind lately. between all the pop up surgeries and appointments i have simply forgot about it, till i found his little bag of patches in the back of the cabinet the other day. shoot me. so with his eye appointment looming i decided to give it a go for the last week or so.
he really didn't protest too much. we would put it on during on of his favorite shows, wow wow wubzi, and he could sit and have a snack and watch the show with the hopes that he would forget the patch was on. well. here's how that went....
i found his sacked out in his room. i guess if you don't want to use one eye you just close it and then since you are already comfy in your bean bag chair you might as well take a nap. not really the purpose of the eye patch but it did give me about an hour of quiet time which happened to land right in the middle of wimbledon. i wasn't complaining. in fact, i may use this tactic again to get carson to sit still and take a rest for once.
lights out. once he is asleep you cannot wake him up.
my quiet time was interrupted when b decided to wake up. he saw carson in his room asleep with an eye patch and insisted he have one too. he wore it for about an hour. i love how he wants to do everything carson does, even the not so fun stuff.
i finally decided carson needed to wake up. brooks thought so too.
can i just say how much i love these guys. actually, i'm not sure i can describe it in words. i hope they always stay this sweet.
all kidding aside, carson did have an eye appointment today and he did great. they covered each eye and had him read the letters on the screen (eye doctors have gotten very high tech. no longer is it a poster on the wall, but a letter displayed on a giant apple computer). when they covered his right eye he had no problem, he actually did very well. when they covered his left eye, which is his stronger eye, he did OK. as the letters were getting smaller he told the lady, "just make them bigger so i can see them." no lie. that is what he said. i love the mind of a four year old.
all in all carson's eye's have improved with wearing his glasses and, um, patching. yes, i told the doctor i have been patching. technically, i have been. just not consistently. again, shoot me. you patch a kid's eye while he's in the hospital. the whole point is that even with just wearing his glasses consistently his eyes have improved. i'm sure one day he'll want lasix, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.