first dentist appointment
carson had his first dentist appointment this past week. let's just say it was par for the course.carson has developed this fear of exam tables. you would too if you had to be held down and injected with botox in your skinny little legs. i feel like since he started getting those shots he has this terrible fear of the doctor's exam table. fortunately most of our visits can be conducted sitting in the chairs or in my lap. in fact, his last neuro follow up carson was such a little charmer and talked the doctor's ear off, it was very amusing to me and dr. goldstein. but once he put him up on the table to check out his legs carson got this look on his face and he told the doctor, "why don't you check my legs in the chair?" and once he moved him to the chair carsonwas fine with whatever. it kills me that his next appointment in july is a botox one and we'll be back at square one with that doctor. ugh!
anyway, the dentist appointment started off great. carson walked around the office with me while they were showing us all the different things. he was talking to the nurse and being his usual sweet self, until we walked in the room with all the exam chair/tables. he put the brakes on at that point. i could see the fear in his eyes as he sat (because he refused to lay down) on the chair. i went through his medical history with his dentist and explained the root of the fear. so we decided the faster we did it the better. carson screamed the entire time, which wasn't that bad because at least his mouth was open. every once in a while he would stop and realize that what was happening actually didn't hurt but then just for the heck of it he would start screaming again. thankfully the dentist and her assistant were so very nice and didn't make us feel bad at all. they kept telling carson what a great job he did and after words he kept telling me how good he did at the dentist and that he could get a prize because of it! dr. hogan let him pick out any toy he wanted which was so nice. you never know how new doctors are going to act and she was wonderful. carson searched and searched and finally i had to tell him to hurry up. he looked at me as said, "i can't find the lollypops!" hopefully the dentist didn't hear that! as we left the dentist said bye to carson and he said, "bye, thanks for cleaning my teeth!"
i didn't get any pictures from during the appointment but here he is after with his bouncy ball he picked out after he realized there was no candy and a star sticker that he was very proud of all day long even though he kept telling everyone the dentist scared him.

showing his clean teeth

happy to be going home. next up is brooks on wednesday. we'll see how this one goes...
