aquarium trip
the boys and i went to the georgia aquarium with our friend renata and her little guy henry this past tuesday. they had so much fun even though it was super crowded and hard for the little guys to see much. carson did a great job of squeezing his way through the crowd to press himself up against the glass. several times i caught him knocking on the glass to try and get the fish's or whale's attention. i think he really liked the sea otters, they were so playful and fun to watch. brooks was more interested in climbing on anything he could. thank goodness baby henry is only 6 months old and renata was able to help me corral brooks, which she had to do a lot!
as i was going through my pictures i realized most of them were of the boys backs looking at the exhibits. any time i tried to get them to turn around i would loose their attention! i was totally fascinated by the fish and whales that we saw. it's amazing to me that they are just swimming around right next to us. i think we may need to make another trip back!
