Fourth of July

first of, let me say that my computer is not working that well right now. it's taken me almost an hour to get here and post something and it is extremely frustrating! i am trying to fix the stupid thing but am closer to chucking in across the room at this point. i don't handle frustrations very well. so i don't have my pictures to share just yet, but i will, i promise!

anyway, we had a great 4th up at the lake. we figured out that this was our 10th year spending the 4th with our friends, the moores and perkins. i cannot believe we have been out on the boat watching fireworks for that long. i am blown away by all that has happened in those 10 years and how far we have all come. amazing. we had a great time relaxing, boating, swimming, grilling out, talking, and eating. oh the eating. i think i have put on a few pounds since last friday! oh well, totally worth every bite. the boys had a great time and loved swimming and going on the boat. carson would say, "kick my feet in the blue pool." i'm guessing that was opposed to the "brown pool" also known as the lake. it took him a bit to warm up to leaving the steps of the pool but once he did there was no stopping him. i have the cutest video i'll post once i figure out this computer's promblem (grrrr). but in it he has on his swimmies, is in a float and is yelling, "look at me, it's carson and i'm swimming!!!" it is precious! brooks spent most of his time climbing in and out of the pool. stairs are our obsession right now. it's amazing how they will just walk right off the edge without even stopping. no fear at that age.

we did start off the weekend with something pretty traumatic (don't panic, everyone is fine). megan, brooks, bo, charlie (megan's dog) and myself were going to go out on a nice morning boat ride friday morning. i had brooks on the boat, but no life vest on yet (again, don't worry, brooks was fine). if you've ever met bo at the lake you will know that she is absolutely terrified of water. not just the lake, but all water. she would run from a puddle. we find it pretty funny that our "bird dog" will have no part of the water. anyway, she will jump on the boat with us and go for a ride. probably because she doesn't want to be left behind. as i was coaxing her on the boat she decided to jump from the farthest point possible, i never said she was smart! when she jumped her front paws made it on the front part of the boat but the second half of her body didn't make it and she fell into the water. i have never seen such fear in a dogs face. she was panicking and so was i. i had brooks and couldn't leave him alone on the boat to jump in and get bo so i start screaming to my sister, "SAVE HER, SAVE HER. SHE'S GOING TO DROWN!!!" to which megan threw off her sunglasses and shoes and jumped in to get bo. now, bo is no skinny girl. she is a good 80 pounds of muscle (and a little fat). i am still panicking trying to figure out what to do with brooks so i can get to bo. our neighbors are all coming out to see what has happened, probably assuming a child has fallen in. megan was able to lift bo out of water and on to the dock. i'm not kidding when i say if she hadn't gotten to her bo would have drown. she kept going under water and thrashing around. poor megan ended up with some pretty nice scratches and bruises all over her arms and chest and even one on her face. i did get a picture of her but i don't think she would appreciate me posting it. but we sure are glad she was there! thanks meg!!

after that the weekend went just great. i promise as soon as i get my computer cooperating i'll post my pictures. till then, i was able to get two. the first is an old picture i have of bo, before we had kids, on the boat. the second if of brooks the day we got to the lake. i love his shirt. it "fits" him well. i said in a previous post that we are coming up on the anniversary of his heart surgery and to look at him now you would never even think there was something wrong with him. happy 4th, a few days late!

his shirt says, "believe the hype" if there is one kid who can wear this shirt, it's our b!
