a wonderful christmas

well, we had a wonderful Christmas both at the lake and at andrew's parents' house. we started the morning off by waking carson up at at 8 (which is early for him) to come and see what santa had left him under the tree. by this point brooks had been awake for 3 hours! i'm wondering if this kid is ever going to sleep in! anywho, needless to say carson was a bit overwhelmed by all the gifts under the tree. it was a bit obsene at the amount...
we spent the better part of the morning opening gifts and then trying to pry them out of the boxes so carson could play with them. andrew would get one thing out just in time for carson to ask him to take another thing out.
b spent the morning with a close eye on on carson opening all his gifts. he really wasn't too in to unwrapping his own gifts but more concerned with what he can play with of his brothers! carson kept his toys just out of reach of his little brother's fingers. at least it's giving b the incentive to try and crawl!
we enjoyed a yummy breakfast of andrew's favorite, breakfast souflee, and then spent 2 hours packing up the car with all of the new toys. i wish i had a picture of it, i'm sure we got many laughs on the road as we headed to round 2 of Christmas.
round 2 consisted of once again, opening a ton of presents and watching carson go from one new toy to the next. we have received so many wonderful new things for them that andrew has had to install 2 shelves in the playroom closet! we are so lucky to have such wonderfully generous grandparents and aunts! the boys also got to see andrew's two uncles and their families from san diego and virginia (minus joanna, randy and baby annabel~we missed you guys!) and andrew and i were able to go see the cirque du soleil show, cavalia, on sunday with everyone. it was amazing seeing the stuff they did with the horses!
we hope you all had a wonderful Christmas wherever you were celebrating! enjoy the pictures below...and coming soon to the blog...new edited pictures thanks to cameron who gave me photoshop elements!! i am so excited and i can't wait to get started using it, i just have to get my computer fixed, it broke just before Christmas and not in time for me to ask santa for a new
one :)

'twas the night before Christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even this kid who never sits still not even for a moment but by some Christmas miracle he fell asleep watching a mickey movie.
we hope you all had as wonderful a Christmas as we did. have a safe and happy new year!