can you believe this....

has turned in to this...

i am having a hard time
believing the fact that my teeny tiny little guy, the one who weighed 1 lb 15 ounces at birth, the one that spent 85 days in the
NICU is now ready to sleep in a big boy bed. seriously. how fast has that time gone by? i remember taking the above picture, i remember how tiny he looked in his bed the first time i placed him in it and thinking he would
never be big enough to sleep in anything but a crib. well, i was wrong. day one and he is already master of the big boy bed. at nap time it took two times of me going in and telling him he had to stay in bed, with which he responded, "
ok" and then as soon as i shut the door i heard his little feet hit the ground. but tonight at bedtime, we read our books, said our
good nights and he has yet to get down.
now we will see if he gets up at all in the night or if he (gasp) falls out of the bed.
i've told
andrew i am going to pad the floor with pillows once he falls asleep. anyway, here are some pics of the transformation...

the front coming off

it's off! no more baby bed for carson!

carson helping take of the bumper pad
climbing in to bed for the first time
what b did while we were working on the bed
