16 Weeks
Well actually I am now almost 18 weeks but I am a bit behind on my posting. Things are moving along nicely (keeping my fingers crossed still). I am still going to the doctor every 2 weeks for an ultrasound and so far so good. I am feeling much better now and am able to eat!!!! Finally, I thought I would never be able to look at food again. You can see in the pics below that I have started to show a little bit and even more so now. I can also feel him kicking around in there all day long and last night Andrew could feel one too! Now it's really starting to become real to me that there will be another little on with us (but not for at least 5 more months)! If everyone could just keep us in the back of your minds for a healthy full termer this time. Thanks!! 

With my permanent attachment.

We finally decided to flip Carson around in his car seat, he is almost 2 years old! We've asked and asked everyone (including medical professionals) and have gotten the go ahead from everyone. You can check out his new ride below! We hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. I know that Andrew, Carson, and I have so much to be Thankful for in our lives we hope all of you do as well!

Not super thrilled about being in a car seat inside the house.

With his buddy, Bo.
