Birthday Party and Baptism
We had a very big weekend in the Hess household. Saturday was Carson's birthday party and Sunday we has him baptized. Phew, we are all tuckered out! We had so many people fly and drive in to see the little guy, Aunt Cameron from Texas, Great Aunt Mary from Jasper Georgia, Great Aunt Vicki and Great Uncle Roger and cousin John, and Great Grandma White from Illinois! Below are pics from the weekend and as I get more I will add them.
The cake!

Four generations: Me, Carson, Great Grandma Emma and Grandma Carol

Carson's "lake" chair from Daniel, Ashley, Ms. Yvonne and Mr. Rodney!

Getting ready to be baptized. Check out his hat! I bought the outfit thinking I wouldn't use the hat but when Andrew got him dressed he put it on him and we couldn't resist. He is going to kill us in 20 years! Carson was one of three babies being baptized today but he was singled out as "a very special baby" by the pastor. He took his socks off as soon as we stood up in front of everyone and then was babbling throughout the rest of the service. We were so lucky to have so many people there supporting Carson on his day!

Mr. and Mrs. Dye ( a.k.a DeDe and Big Paw to Carson!) were able to come to the baptism!
A quick change in the car and it was off to brunch at the Cheesecake Factory, yummy!

Love, Aunt Suzanne & Uncle Lawrence
These are so good--love the outfit. I'm amazed at how much has changed in a year--he is the most energetic, smiley, cute thing I've seen! So glad y'all had such a great weekend.